Tieshan Chen


  Associate Professor. Chen Tie-shan

  Contact Information:

  Mailing Address:

  College of Life Sciences

  Northwest A&F University

  Yangling, Shaanxi 712100

  P. R. China

  Phone: (86) 29 13991218860

  Fax: (86) 29

  E-mail: 277720758@qq.com

  Office: North Campus, Science Building, College of Life Sciences, E504


  Research Interests:



  Education Experiences:

  Beijing Normal University, biology (major), B. S. 1982


  Professional Experiences:

  Associate Professor in College of Life Science, Norwest A&F University (1999-present)

  Lecturer in the Northwest academy of forestry (1994-1999)

  Research assistant in the Northwest academy of forestry (1989-1994)

  Research assistant in the Forestry research institute of Shaanxi Province (1982-1989)

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